Operating Partners

David Veenstra

Board Member, OWS Foods


David Veenstra currently serves as the CEO of Sweetmore Bakeries, a Shore-backed premium baked goods platform. Previously, David served as the General Manager of the Retail, Gift, and Canada Divisions and Senior Vice President of Marketing at World’s Finest Chocolate. Prior to World’s Finest Chocolate, David was a General Manager at Redbox, where he was instrumental in growing Redbox from a $135M startup to a $2B business. David began his career at Bain & Company, where he worked for clients across the consumer, retail, and private equity spaces. David previously served on the Board of Hickory Farms, a $165M food gifting business sold via ecommerce, brick and mortar retail, and wholesale distribution in mass, grocery, and department stores. David also served on the Board of Gateway Newstands, a convenience retail franchisor serving consumers located in office towers, shopping malls, university campuses, condominium buildings, and urban neighborhoods.



Ingredients and Spices